Saturday, March 24, 2012

My baby is growing up!!!!

       I know all you moms out there are gonna wag your finger at me, but I don't care!! We have started putting Helo into a crib to sleep (for naps anyway).  It makes me a bit sad! For his entire existence from conception till now, almost 8 months later, he has never been more than an arms reach from me.  He co-slept with me for his first 8 weeks of life, and now he sleeps in a nap nanny right next to my bed!
While it is time for him to start sleeping on his own, the fact that he is already starting to not need me makes me picture him walking into kindergarten on his first day, and not even looking back!

        My husband laughs at me, and tells our son, "Look, you're making mommy cry!" To which I respond "SO WHAT"! I love that he is getting bigger and growing. I would not want an infant forever, but the fact that it is happening so fast makes me a bit weepy.  I could not be prouder of him it I tried!  My husband is ready for baby number 2....NOT ME!!! I want some time to love on my little booger before I have to divide my time! Plus, I am too tired right now! I could not imagine having 2 babies! I suppose once Bubbin is sleeping in his crib all night, and he is starting to walk, that is when I will be ready to start trying for number 2.  Or the end of the year, whichever comes first!!

        Oh angel boy, you are my heart. You carry a piece of it with you and always will, wherever you go and whatever you do in this life! I love you baby!!


  1. They grow up way too fast!!!!! I would never dream of telling anyone not to cosleep, I did it with Hams until she was 4.5 months! Does he like his crib? How are you holding up, lol?

    1. He DOES like his crib!!! I put him in his bed for the first time all night last night!! Made me a bit,well more than a bit sad!!

  2. you are beautiful, Angela! Love that picture of you and Helo. :) You're brave to already be talking about adding #2! ;o)
